Saturday 5 October 2013

My first day at uni - but how was yours?

Any student is nervous on their first day at university. At the ripe old age of 25 and having spent 6 years working in travel (and 1 year travelling sunny Australia) I was going to uni pursuing my dream of working in travel journalism. Despite my life experience, I was anxious about what life would be like. Of course, 18 year olds that have never lived away from home and international students living in a strange, foreign land have more right to be scared, but still.

I had worried whether there would be people my age on the course, would I find the lecture theatre in the vast maze of campus buildings, would my classmates speak to me. The usual. It turns out these would prove to be the least of my worries.

My first lecture was scheduled for 12 noon however upon glancing at my timetable on my app I suddenly noticed this had been changed to 10 am. Surely this couldn't be right? I clarified on the uni website but alas the site was down. It was 9.20 am by now so after muttering a few expletives, I chucked on some clothes, grabbed my (thankfully prepared) bag and dashed to uni. I realised I had forgotten which room it was in but now the app was down too. Living nightmare. Sweating profusely, I arrived at the Humanities block witnessing pandemonium.  Students and chaos surrounded me.  I joined the vast line of lost & bewildered students at the help desk but discovered their systems were also down. Once somebody could help, the lecture was full and I was asked to return in 2 hours. All that rushing was for nothing - could today get any worse?

Returning a little before noon, I was sitting with 2 friends I had met before, when suddenly I felt something on my back. I screamed as I felt it move along around to my belly. I fell to my knees, grabbed it and flung it off me. It was a mouse! Not only was I in shock, but my friends had looked at me like I was crazy. I had no need to worry about making friends or getting to lectures.  Everyone is in the same boat going through this experience together. However I did have to worry about small rodents taking a field-trip on my body. It was a memorable first day for me! 

How was your first day?

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