Friday 27 September 2013

AFS & Glide take over Sheffield Campus!

It was the University of Sheffield's turn to see an AFS and Glide sponsored take-over, which meant a dangerously early start for me and an hour train journey which was made marginally easier by sipping on a latte and reading my Kindle. It was an easy enough journey through some spectacular English countryside, so I wasn't complaining and it wasn't long until I arrived in sunny Sheffield!

I stepped out of the train station to be welcomed by this amazing fountain and clear blue skies above which was lucky, because today we would be handing out hundreds of free ice creams to promote our two amazing student companies! I took a stroll along the beautiful cobbled streets of the city to reach my destination, our base for the day was outside the Hicks Building at the University of Sheffield.

The ice cream van was in place ready to draw in the crowds, so the team could give the student residents of Sheffield some valuable information about both AFS and Glide, and a free ice cream too. With the sun beating down (it was hot work in our hoodies!), it didn't take long for a large queue to form and it stayed that way for a few hours. More importantly, we gave our info card out to over 1300 people as well as over 1300 free ice creams - until the truck ran dry, literally!

If you missed the event, here is what you need to know about AFS & Glide:

Accommodation for Students is THE place to go if you are looking for student accommodation in the UK. It is free, easy to use and you can search different types of room & property on a whole range of different values like cost & location. We are a student-friendly company set up by two students, and our focus is ensuring the properties on our site are professional, suitable for students and meet our high standard. You can even find housemates on the site, so remember to use the site next time you need student accommodation!

Glide makes bills simple for both tenants and property businesses. Glide delivers one simple monthly bill for all utilities and services (energy, broadband etc) both for tenants in shared accommodation who want to pay only their share, and for businesses with a portfolio of rental properties who want to cut out admin. For student's, it means one monthly figure to pay for all your bills, you are only responsible for your payment so no need to chase your housemates or worry if they don't pay and you have access to a meter showing you what energy you've used, if you use less than you paid for then you get a nice little rebate at the end of the year. Check out the website for a quote today!

It was great to speak and see so many students and after a very busy day for everyone, it was time to head home - there were more amazing views on the train, and it was great to be back in Mancs having spreading the word!

Home sweet home...

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